I am a blob of Life living as a human being. Just like you. A blob of Life that has chosen to experience its own creation in this toughest of all worlds, the Earth. And in order to experience this world of matter fully Life needs to clothe itself in the stuff of the Earth or create a body vehicle for itself. That is what you see, but that is not who I am.
My body is called Klaus Rahikainen. It was born in Helsinki, Finland. It has served me well through all of my adventures towards the point of remembrance, towards the moment when the Life that I am, and have always been, becomes realized in myself as a man. The moment when all the veils of human illusion are lifted and Oneness of Life is fully awakened in the mind, the soul and the body of a man. A Godseed has sprouted.
These pages contain the developing story of Life’s awakening in a man. The stories and insights with the heading “Just a Thought” give the background and the tools of awakening and the new postings describe the evolution of the new divine consciousness in a new world of wonder. It is all yours, just as it is all mine, in Life.
Hittade detta på Lindas sida om vaccinationer. Tänkte att du kanske kunde vara intressrad av att lyssna på Theresia Henriksson den 10.3 på Röda Korsgårdendå hon föreläser om vaccinering. Kan skicka mer info om du vill, har den bara på facebook än men från i morgon borde jag ha inbjudan via mejl också.
Mvh. Nina Sjöholm
Thank You! ♥
Hi, this looks like a great read….I would like to know if do you have planned to translate to other idioms?
Läste en bokrecension av Ingemar Ljungqvist
om din bok “Ordning Ur Kaos”.
Nu skulle jag fråga om “Ordning Ur Kaos” finns på svenska att köpa,
eller bara på engelska med titel “You can Heal the Flower
of your life”, om det är det samma och hur mycket det kostar.
Kan inte hitta köp “förutsättningar” på din Blogg/Sida.
Vore tacksam på Upplysning
Med vänliga hälsningar
Anke Heitmann
Hej Anke
Jag skickar gärna boken till dig för 220 kr. Då mailar du till mig dit adress till iam(at)klausra.com och jag skickar mitt kontonr till dig.
Du kan också prova på att googla med bokens namns och mitt namn. Det finns några nätbutiker som har boken på deras listor.
Skönt att höra att boken hittar ännu nya läsare!
Allt gott!
PS. Jag har två böcker på svenska: Livet är! och Ordning us kaos samt två på engelska A littel Book of God och Just a Thought. Resten är på finska som jag har återkommit till på sistone.
Hi Klaus,
I saw your comments on Baird T Spalding’s page from which I discovered your wonderfull website. I have read a few of your write ups and they are quite extraordinary.
My dad is a great believer in the ‘new school of thought’ for years. He used to practice ‘christian science’ and though he couldn’t continue in recent years due to ageing and location, he would like to connect back. And this time around he’s looking for the organisation that Baird T Spalding help established or follow he’s line of thoughts.
My dad has got all the 6 volumes of Spalding books and of course many other books these great teachers have written over the years. He is a voracious reader.
So please Klaus, you will do me a world of good if you can educated me more on this enquiry.
Hello Dapo
Thank you for your enquiry. In one sense all the information you or your dad needs is on my website, you just peruse all the material and find that which attracts you, which talks to you. But you need to apply the knowledge or info you read or learn and thus make it your own. You need to live that which you know! And that applies to all aspects of your life, you need to live your life and learn to trust it. Your own special life is your own personal way back to God, back to the Source within every one of us. Live it fully, which means facing all your demons or fears that keep you tied to petty and meaningless repetition of life. Let your fears fly away and you are left with what you truly are, a son/daughter of God forever answering to God’s one and only question: Who am I? All our lives are valid answers to the question. And all of them take place within God’s unwavering Love for his/her own. God has never forsaken us. You just need to stop forsaking your own divine and creative being.
Aho`Kohdattiin Hengen-ja tiedon messuilla Helsingissä, kiitos siitä.
Halusin ottaa kontaktia näin, jos syntyy jotakin uutta ja kiinnostavaa.
Luen antamasi kirjan mitä pikimmin.
Yst.terv.Jori S.
Hei Jori! Hienoa kun haluat jatkaa, minäkin. Katsotaan mitä tästä kehkeytyy. Katsoin juuri Lähteensilmän sivuja ja koin kovin kiinnostaviksi, Maya ja Mäntän seutu, jonka Koskenpään korvestä isänikin on kotoisin. Jatketaan!
Hei Klaus,
Otin sinuun yhteyttä facebookin kautta. En tiedä kuinka paljon sitä katselet, joten viestini tätä reittiäkin seuraten.
Törmäsin sinun ja Jeremys 1/2 tuntiseen dialogiin ja ajattelin, että voisi olla mielenkiintoista saada kohdata sinut kasvokkain. Samoja säveliä seuraten.
Jos muistan oikein, olemme kohdanneet vuosia sitten. Lienee aikoja, jolloin teit ensimmäisen kirjasi ja olit kai lähdössä pois pääkaupunkiseudulta? Että minulla olisi myös tuo kirjasi -sellainen taiteellinen kansi, jossa oli joku kävelevä ihminen ja sateenkaari? Muistanko oikein?
Lämpimät terveiset
Hei Teemu,
Muistat ihan oikein. Kirjan nimi on Rakkauden äänetön laulu. Olisi tosi hauska tavata toinen näiden laulujen laulaja eli tavataan.
Dear Klaus,
I love you man!
We should all hang out someday.
Thank you,
Thank you Wald! Yes, we should, and we already are hanging out in Love:)
Thank you! I feel grateful Google has led me to this page while I was researching about the circle with the dot. While going through your teachings I was constantly smiling, nodding and smiling. Thank you. I would love to purchase the “Little Book of God”. Is there a kindle version of it?