Do you love me? Are you the one I have been looking for? Are you the one who can love me the way I want to, give me the acknowledgement and support, the caresses and care my soul yearns for? Are you?
We are both emotionally built to search for love from each other, from the other. That’s how our world and reality has been built since we took our first breaths by the breast of our mother. My mother was the first other – maybe the word mother actually comes from ”my other”? Who knows… Read the rest of this entry »
Once upon time when I was troubled I went to a therapist of some kind. She was an apprentice healer and willing to help me with my troubled mind. This happened such a long time ago that I have no idea what was then bothering me; anything, something that could bother a human being on this troubled Earth, you know. Read the rest of this entry »
Revolutions have come and gone all through human history. Peoples yearning for change have been used by clever groups of people, who have wanted to oust the current leader and to gain their power upon the people in question. The leaders have changed but the people have always remained under the thumb of those that are not squeamish to use any kind of tricks to keep themselves in power, in a position where they are able to usurp the resources of the people and the nation for their own selfish good. Read the rest of this entry »