January 24

imagesThe birth of my present body was a part of a controlled explosion of creation, which started from the realms far beyond this visible, touchable, audible, tastable or sensible world. An explosion of creation arising from sea of potentials carrying, energizing and embracing all of the created forms of all the Universes. This explosion is the one verse of All That Is ever branching into new forms of which my body is one within One, one of the same, one with All.

This controlled and time bound explosion created my form from an invisible seed which gradually through years exploded into this present body, a bearlike man with greyish hair. My physical growth has got slower through the years – only my belly goes on growing! – and if this slackening is not checked it will lead to disease and death of my body. What to do? How to face this challenge?

There is a common consensus within all religions that Oneness is the source of all creation, Oneness which is often called God in many different ways. Upon that Oneness each creed has then built their own particular religion or a system to keep their followers bound to their way of connecting with this Oneness or God. The seed of God has thus exploded into innumerable forms which have also stagnated in their growth and become grey, materialistic and diseased. They are almost dead, they sense their own frailty and are thus fighting ferociously for their survival. The whole living world is plighted by this savage war for the survival of the fittest form. The forms created have become more important than the creative Oneness out of which and within which they all are created. What to do? How to stop the deadly wars arising from this explosion into form? The wars leading to more and more devastating explosions imitation the cause of them all, this our shared and uncontrolled explosion into form.

As I am a part of Oneness then Oneness has to be a part of me. The Source and I are One. I may have lost my direct connection with the One just as religions have lost their connection with their Source, the One God of All. I cannot accept that I could be wholly separated from the One. How could anything ever exist outside the One? The sense of separation must be an illusion of form created in time. It must be dissolvable. The creative Source must be stronger than any of the forms arising from it.

Here comes the implosion! How can the structure of form that I have learned to take as myself implode back into the Core out of which it once arose? Can I let go of my identification in my form and reach the formless within? How can a religious man stop fighting for his own religion? How can he reach the Oneness, the God, from which we all once started our adventures into form? How can I regain my conscious contact with the Formless while still in form, in my body or in my religion?

We have all taken the Jacob’s ladder down from the Heavens within, but unfortunately we have forgotten that we can climb up the same ladder! Our climbing down has meant creating forms, fears, filters and conceptions have lead to our separation from the Source. Thus the climbing back to Heavens within would mean dismantling or releasing all that has kept us away from the loving Source within. So to find the Source I first need to know that it exists and exists right within myself. The way back to the Limitless goes through all the limitations that I as the Limitless have taken upon myself to experience. I must undo my form to find the Formless with or rather undo my identification into the forms that I have created.

I do not need to destroy the ladder that has taken me here, nor the body either the way ascetics have tried to reach God within. I just need to change my identification from the things, forms and bodies I have created back to the creative force within me that has allowed and willed all those forms. Just let go of the illusions of time and surrender back to the loving timelessness from which all those forms have arisen. Just be the Creator instead of the Created stuck in all these passing forms.

There just a little glitch here: How can I reboot my mind from the human mode to the God mode? Isn’t that what all those holy men and women have mostly failed to accomplish? How could I be any better?

I ain’t no better! I am just the same old God finally remembering itself in a human form. I am a living part of the One – just as we all have always been – finally relaxing back to what is. I am all our shared struggling efforts arising from the sense of sin and separation from the Source finally released within the One. The One was there all the time, present within and without each and everyone of us, even me. Just be it! is the answer.

We are used to live by the slogan: Just do it!, which has brought about all those forms, things and stuff we have got lost with that it is a bit challenging to ”Just be it!” But all our doings repeatedly lead us to dead ends where the pain arising from our illusory separation from the Source rises to nth degree. This is a door! It is focused energy, which can lead us back to God, Source, All or Limitless or whatever.

Just be it! Be the pain, be the sorrow, be the fear, be whatever you feel in your frequent moments of desperation. Just be it! Do not tie it to any man, woman, child, place or thing. Just be your emotion! Let it sound in your mind, let it vibrate freely without attaching it to anything from you past, anything that you know. Then ask the primal question, the one that the One also asked when it/she/he wanted to know more than the peacefulness of potentials that it used to be. Ask the question that started the explosion of God into itself, this exploration of all that can be created within the One. Ask the first question again when you are ready to bring your experiences back to God as wisdom from which new rounds of creation can be launched by us, creative handymen and -women of God.

Just be the pain you have ended up with and then ask: Who am I? Ask it silently and confidently in the vastness of your mind. Ask it as long as it takes knowing that you do not have the answer, it is not within the confines of your human mind. You are asking from something beyond of what you thought you were. You are reaching into unknown: Who am I?

The answer will come. You will know it in your core, you will sense it in your being. It is freedom from pain. It is reunion with the Source that has always been reaching out to you. It is God’s joy when its own divine child finally comes back home, when the prodigal child finally accepts the feast that has always been prepared for it. It is a human being remembering its divinity while still in form, imploding back to God after having first exploded to the far reaches of the same.

I have an inkling that when we as God’s children thus find our way back to the Source we stabilize the creation or the Jacob’s ladder that has led us to where we are now in form and thus allows the Creation to continue further into God without the customary implosion of all the material forms back into the Point Zero from where the Universes usually are recreated during enormous spans of time. Thus it is not only humanly but Universally important that you and me re-member our true identity as the Creator of it all. We are all One just as we have always been.