January 25

images-1There is a thick mist of pain surrounding my heart or my true loving essence. The pain hovers around my heart like a squadron of jet planes always ready to attack anybody coming too near to me. The pain is the guardian of my heart.

This pain is the residue of my previous deaths, of all those lives I have lived in the shadow of pain. The pains have kept on leading me to their borders, to experiences that heighten the pain to nth degree or to a point where I either die with my pain or choose to cross the border of my pain.

It is easy to die with pain, most of us have done it innumerable times. Death kills the body but leaves the emotional body intact. Thus our spiritual being carries the pain of the moment of our physical death over to heavens and from there to the next body we ever choose to be reborn in. Our pains go around creating and maintaining this shared world of pain, a hotchpot of pain spread on the canvas of the living world. That’s us!

There is a way out of this madness.There is a way of crossing our borders of pain that has presented itself to me quite recently, of getting outside of my pain where my Love has been beckoning to me from the very moment I first chose to play hide and seek with myself. Love has always been there, right within my being. Right within each and everyone of us for sure.

Take one pain of any kind. Preferable one of those that keep on popping up in your mind, those that you keep on trying to hack down or push back without any real success. They are the most vital ones ever creating new saplings of pain. There is a lot of energy tied up with them. That’t what you need for this recipe.

Stay with you pain. Just stay with it. Do not go to the blame-mode of trying to find somebody responsible for your pain because there isn’t anybody but you carrying and reliving your pain. Don’t try to reason with your pain. You truly have no tools, no thoughts or reactions that can help you get rid of your pain. You know that by now. You are painfully unable to deal with it, except trying to suppress it for a while or going into aggression mode towards yourself or your pained neighbors. Whatever you have done you have never got rid of the pain you carry. None of it helps and still we keep on doing it ad nauseam. It’s time for something else.

So stay with your pain. It’s all yours! Sense it. Accept it fully for you are tired both of suppressing it and lashing it out as anger. So just be with it. It won’t kill you. It is actually a door leading beyond your painful life, leading to the Love you have in vain searched from behind the painful illusions of your world. I’ll show you how to open it, to open your own heart that has lain dormant behind the mists of pain you have taken as yourself and thus allowed them to create your world and your life.

Pain is the key, the stored pulse of energy waiting to be released, allowed to reconnect with the Source from which it once arose, with Love that is your true creative essence. Just stay with it, whatever it is. Feel it fully, sense its power, love it if you can. But be with your pain.

When you are fully present with your pain, when you have no more reasons to attach to it or to do something about it, then you can ask a question: Who am I?

So while being fully with your pain ask: Who am I? Ask it without trying to answer it, trying to control or lead it somewhere. Be with the question just as you being with your pain. For a moment or for an eternity. It does not really matter. Just be with your question. And the answer will come.

Being fully with your pain and purely asking the primal question, the one that started this whole evolvement of creation from the sea of all potentials, creates a focus and an opening that allows the Source to reconnect with you. You will know your own true essence when the pain is wiped clean by an innocent joy arising from your very own heart. You will know God when you thus cross the border of you pain, the border that has kept your pure loving heart encaged by the mist of your pains.

It’s time for a change! And you are the one to change your world, and ours, by crossing the borders of your pains and thus allowing the purity of your own loving heart open up and bloom as light in this world of ours messed up by all those unacknowledged pains that we are so used to carrying in the recesses of our mind. Let all of your pains come to light! That’s the healing they have all yearned for, the reason they always pop up to bother you until you see them, love them and thus let them go. Right there, right behind the borders of you pain, your Love has been waiting for this moment when you allow it to reconnect with your conscious mind, the moment when you finally bring all your experiences back to God within from where they all once arose. God is Love waiting for you beyond the borders of your pain. Just be it!