June 3

UnknownThe homos and lesbians, and all the others there in between have already come out of their closets. They could not bear the falseness of their previous role anymore. They didn’t want to lie to themselves and to the world anymore, they didn’t want to pretend anymore. They were brave and they stepped out of the closet of their past.

But shouldn’t we all do the same? You may be a man and you may be a woman, or whatever, and still you carry upon you a closet of your past. It is like a huge library of past experiences hanging around your being from which you pick up appropriate models of conduct whenever you face something similar to what you have been through before. This library of the past acts as a protective wall isolating you from the present moment and it keeps you prisoners of your own past.

Yes, we think that we come out of the closet when we realize the limits of any role (man, woman, homo, lesbo, wife, husband etc) and change to another role, which at least for the moment feels more real than the previous. But after a while, whether it is a month or a millennium, the new role also becomes too restrictive and narrow for what you are. All roles are of the past, like the roles of the actors in a play they need to be consciously rehearsed and remembered. Otherwise they fall apart.

Whenever you face the limitations of your present role, whenever you feel it as too restrictive and narrow for your being, you are on a brink of a revelation. You are face to face with the vastness of who you really are, with the I am of all Life carrying and embracing you in the bosom of my infinity. That true essence of who you are cannot ever be fully contained within any of the roles that you play, thus I am in you becomes depressed and anxious when the limitations of your current past role have all been explored and experienced. It needs to find a new greater role in its exploration of Life.

Every crisis arising from those roles of the past is a possibility for you to awaken to the roleless presence of the Now, where your true essence has always resided, and ever will. Every such crisis takes you to your essence, which cannot ever be contained by any of the roles you play. None of them are big or small enough for the I am that I am in you.

So get out of your closet of the past and step into the presence of the now, where I have been waiting for you since times immemorial It’s time we became one I am, again.