November 10

imagesOver 30 years ago the wife of my dear friend was deeply involved in this thick tome of a book called A Course In Miracles. She was very enthusiastic about it, willing to live a miraculous life. I was not touched by her eagerness as I had something else to do…

During the past year or so I have met several new people in whom I have recognized a certain quality of lightness, an opening in the thickness that usually seems to pervade the human mind. It feels as I had wandered through a dense forest hacking my own winding path with the sword of my intellect. My lonely path has meandered up and down through bogs, marshes, hills and rocky mountains and valleys. And finally as I begin to discern an opening I can see there other persons who have somehow reached the same opening. They must have taken another path there…

Many of these people seem to have had a guidebook with them. And the book is called A Course of Miracles.Funnily enough I had bought the book in a second hand store this past spring, but had not really read it as the first pages had felt wise but too thick, too dense and repetitious. But I had it, and I had taken my own path, done it my way:), and finally entered the same opening where ACIM was also leading folks. What a coincidence!

Then one of my new friends recommended that I read a book by Gary R. Renard to get the gist of ACIM before maybe reading it myself. Gary’s book about Buddha’s and Jesus´s shared experiences really touched me and then a couple of months ago I started to read ACIM itself. I chose to start with the Teacher’s Guide at the back, a short summary of what the course is all about. I was impressed, I sensed the truth coming through… the same truth that I had glimpsed along my stubbornly personal path, my way, you know:)

Then I read the whole book and am now completing the course by studying the exercises in the Workbook. I realized that this book is a motorway ready to lead the serious – but lighthearted:) – reader straight to the opening within. To the opening which it took me over 30 years to reach as I insisted in doing it my way… Oh well, and what the heck! Life is beautiful, and always just as I want it to be!

There was a vision that arose while I was reading ACIM. I saw a temporal timeline reaching from birth to death, the usual human experience which is held together by fear, anxiety and striving for the better that is never realized. Only death comes at the end…and our painful past gets to be repeated as an equally painful future. A dead end.

Then I saw a vibrating plane opening to all directions perpendicular to this horizontal timeline. This Plane of Life is running through this moment of Now to keep all hearts beating while maintaining life everywhere and in all galaxies. It is huge and it is eternal. It unites all our petty temporal lifelines and is what we really are, Life Itself. And to be present right now is the key, the opening through which the Holy Spirit can enter our mind to replace the run-of-the-mill rehashing of the past into equally distressing future without even consciously touching the baseline of the ever renewing Now, Now, Now…

C´mon, there is a way out of this maze of time! It is right here and right now in spite of all our ignorance. It is Life Itself, and it is right here! And the motorway to this opening in time is described in ACIM. Read it, feel it, and be it. You have arrived!