January 8


Whether you are my neighbor, my beloved, my postman, my mother, my father, my daughter or my son there is just one message I wish to convey to you. You are loved beyond all the petty feelings, thoughts and emotions to the contrary that you can ever think of. You all full and holy, wholly loved in spite of all the experiences of the past that you use to maintain your belief that love is not true, that you are not lovable. You have never done a thing nor has anybody ever done anything to you that could ever take away the love that is carrying you in this forever moment of now. You are forever blessed, forever one with Life Itself carrying and maintaining you right now. That’s it!

All else is just hearsay, just imaginary stories of a guilty past that does not exist anymore or of a judgmental future that does not ever come, except in your own mind messed up by those stories and imaginations. All else is just an illusion, a creation of your own whirling mind running amok in its desperate endeavor to finally be accepted and to find peace with the judgmental beast lurking in the hidden recesses of your own mind. All else is just your fucked up mind running around and trying to catch it own tail…

Just stop it! Do not judge your foolishness. Just stop it! And the love that has always been yours can finally touch you and become your conscious action. Just stop the judgmental game of trying to become good and acceptable in the eyes of this crazy society of yours, because you feel that you have done something bad and unacceptable somewhere in your murky past. You can never atone any illusions by trying be the illusory opposite of what has never taken place. You can never change something that does not really exist, except in your own messy mind. So that is why the only thing you can do is just to stop it! Not do it again! Finito!

By stopping your guilt and your guilty consciousness you release yourself and your love from the grips of time. For time is only true for material things, which gather their matter and form in time. They are born in time and they wither away and die in time. For you as an eternal being, as eternity itself loving you into a temporary form called a body, time is truly just a plaything, like a spade for a child building sandcastles on the beach. Do not take time too seriously and really do not let it become your jail!

You are definitely more than just a string of good and bad memories desperately held together until the day you die. You are the loving eternity itself allowing you all these games and it’s time you take back your true identity as the creator of this game of yours. You do not need to let any of your own creations – whether it is your body, your family, your company, your fame, your memory or your nation – to run your life! You are Life Itself allowing all this to take place and you can change all of it whenever you are ready to release yourself from the prison of time where you as the sole guard of your own prison have kept yourself chained in the illusions of the past and future for far too long.

Life Itself – that you truly are – has no past nor future. Life only exists in this holy moment of now, in this eternity of ongoing creation, which is your own true source and nature. See the futility of your self-imprisonment and stop it! Just stop it! Do not judge it and thus re-empower the chains of time that you have suffered from. Just stop it! And remain alert and observant for the programs of time that your mind is so keen to run for your own detriment. No time, no postponing. No “yes but”… No “when I have”… No “but she or he”… No “but I am only human”… No time. No past. No future. No becoming. No fixing. No winning or losing. No time…

And guess what? This alertness, this being present in this only now where all the hearts always beat right, is your key to eternity. Your key to the peace and joy that you have in vain sought from the labyrinths of time. Your key to love that you have in vain yearned and tried to reach through all kinds of pacts and agreements that have never really worked.

So I just wanted to say: Know that you are loved. You have never done a thing nor has anybody ever done anything to you that could ever take away the love that is carrying you in this forever moment of now. You are forever blessed, forever one with Life Itself carrying and maintaining you right now. That’s it!