July 31

Thank you for being scared beacuse of my joy of having solved the mystery of life! Thank you for thinking I was on drugs when my joy was so intense! Thanks for asking if I had drunk or used any medications when you saw me as weird! Thank you for seeing me as being in psychosis when I was no longer what you had imagined me to be!

In how many human relationships do we capture each other in our own imaginations, place the other in some imagination of our own that is not true but supports our own image of ourselves? I too have seen another as weak and sick, so I got to imagine myself as a strong and powerful, as a knight who rides in saves the other. I too have projected my own sensitivity as a weakness of another person, whom I then I was able to care for and support, and thus imagine being a good person. It is a disease no matter who does it!

By seeing another human being as weak and fragile, I imprison her and I get a hold of him, I take care of him and I lose even my myself in that concern. I enslave my neighbor by seeing him as weak, and at the same time I enslave myself to my own imaginary power. I imprison both of us, for all those whom I face as weak and fragile. My strength hardens into coldness and does not allow for the real strength, which is both sensitive and strong just as Life Itself is.

The true essence of all of us is the eternal Life Itself, which never has any worries despite our personal fears or other anxieties. The only truth about any person is that Life Itself, that is, the whole of the universe that wants to be seen and experienced through all of us. Everything else is a lie and a game of power, sorrow and fear with which we enslave each other. It is a brutal mistake, which I have now seen and which I no longer need.

Thank you, for you revealed all this to me and opened me to see what is true of you, me, and all the other wonderful people! I am Life itself in the likeness of man, and so are you! Now and always, yours!