You Have Arrived

You have arrived, when you no longer have anything to defend, or you no longer imagine you are any structure or form either in your mind or in your world out there. You have arrived, when you identify yourself with the creative source behind all shapes and structures. You are there, when you sense yourself beyond all and everything you can perceive. And when you have arrived, you can only love…
Each atom has an energy field swirling around its nucleus, thus creating a momentary illusion of matter. That twirling creates an illusion of separateness, even though each atom is filled with same oneness that is seemingly empty, because our senses and technical instruments cannot ever reach it. That unity, which is unknown to us, is the truth from which we once raised the delusion of separateness for a moment of experience. And then chose to repeat it…
Every thought swirling in your mind creates an energy field around it, or around you, which isolates you from other people and other beings with different thoughts swirling around them. Thus we create an illusion of detachment, fear and loneliness from which we all, isolated by our own twirling thoughts, suffer. Therefore, we try to get those others to think our thoughts with us, or thoughts that produce similar differences.
We create our own family, our village, our business, our nation, our ideology, our religion and our pandemic, and we fail time and time again in our desperate attempt to achieve a lasting unity in this way. None of our creations growing out of the notion of separateness ever succeed in creating a greater unity and connection than the emptiness full of Life Self from which all our notions of separateness once emerged. Only that unknown emptiness carrying and maintaining Life Itself unites us.
I have arrived, when I am no longer afraid for the creations that I have built upon the sandy beach by the Ocean of Eternity. I have arrived, when I no longer fear for my body, my home, my children, my parents, my country, my race or my gender, but I know that they are all momentary imaginations, which I have chosen to create for the joy of creation. I have arrived, when I identify myself as the eternally unknown creator, which remains after the tsunamis of the Ocean have wiped out my creations built of sand or matter. No matter what happens, I remain.
I am also the tsunami bringing death and destruction, which is the inevitable end of all the forms born of matter, or atoms. I am the never-ending Life Itself, the primal source that our senses can never reach. I am happily enjoying the eternal games of creation also in this temporary body. In the beginning there was this joy of creation, and it will go on forever…