April 5

You may think that I am a delusional and a deranged entity by claiming to have some relationship to God or even worse by claiming to be God. In our materialistically scientific world all of those who even mention the word God must be nuts! That’s how we are supposed to think.

Will you think as you are supposed to think? Or will you think as you think? Will you be an individual thinking his/her own thoughts? Or will you be a part of a mass of people individually thinking the same thoughts with everybody else? It’s your choice, the reality of your life pouring out of the thoughts you choose to think!

My seven years old daughter doesn’t want to use the word God either, she senses all the shit; the fears, rules,wars and hatreds that have been attached to this word. She prefers to use the word Love for the same all allowing Oneness within which all our adventures into individuality take place. She draws this entity as a loving face on a Sun-like form, which she clearly says is not our Sun, with waves of energy flowing to all the possible directions.

God or Love is all and everything, the Source and the Wholeness of all that is, present in all and everything, even in you and me. And I see that my job as an individual aspect of the whole is to learn to think, feel and act as such, as God or Love from my particular point of view. I am a part of God,  a child of the Whole, and my greatest Joy is the reflect it all through my individuality. Isn’t that what Life is all about?