A Godseed Sprouting "His Writing Is So Utterly Personal That It Becomes Universal"

Nothing Fancy About Truth

November 11

images-1Once upon time on a regular grey day I was walking along the main street of a nearby town. The day was cloudy, people were rushing about in their daily business while cars and buses were swishing back and forth. Everything was quite normal.

Then something happened or took place in my mind. Suddenly I felt like I was carried by millions of energy lines touching me from all the possible directions of space. I was buoyed in the bosom of something invisible, something beyond of what I saw and what my senses were bringing in. Read the rest of this entry »

There Is A Way Out of This Maze of Time!

November 10

imagesOver 30 years ago the wife of my dear friend was deeply involved in this thick tome of a book called A Course In Miracles. She was very enthusiastic about it, willing to live a miraculous life. I was not touched by her eagerness as I had something else to do…

During the past year or so I have met several new people in whom I have recognized a certain quality of lightness, an opening in the thickness that usually seems to pervade the human mind. It feels as I had wandered through a dense forest hacking my own winding path with the sword of my intellect. My lonely path has meandered up and down through bogs, marshes, hills and rocky mountains and valleys. And finally as I begin to discern an opening I can see there other persons who have somehow reached the same opening. They must have taken another path there… Read the rest of this entry »

To Care But Not To Care

November 10

UnknownI once spent a couple of days traveling with a woman who had been severely abused as a child. I was conscious both of her repeatedly expressed victimhood and my own tendency to try to save the victims that I come in contact with. By now I had understood that I have been carrying a deep sense of guilt, which I had tried to alleviate by saving all the ladies in distress that had come my way. And in the end I had always failed after a glorious beginning…

This time around I needed to find a new a way of meeting a distressed lady. I needed to be present without succumbing to my own “a knight on a white stallion” -syndrome. It was a challenge as the heavy and interdependent roles of victimhood/savior in both of us were dragging us to repeat ourselves, to repeat our past as our ever old future. How to overcome my own past, my past reactions? By now I already knew that I cannot overcome somebody else’s past. Read the rest of this entry »

There Is No Problem – But Counterwill!

November 3

20170619_172401Just a moment ago I was enjoying our Sunday dinner cooked and prepared by my daughter Tindra. She is 14 and she loves to cook, and this time she experimented with rice and dry-fried tofu and vegetables. The meal was delicious, as usual.

But something else also happened during the meal, something that shook the foundations of my identity in a healthy and delicious way. As we sat down for our meal Tindra expressed her annoyance for it being already so dark outside. True to my nature I countered gently: “Yes it’s dark, but you absolutely choose your attitude towards it, Tindra.” She answered joking that“ as a frail old man close to death you have had many more winters to get adjusted to it.” That is true…

There is a phenomenon of counterwill, which I was recently introduced by Dr. Gabor Maté in his book Scattered Minds. By it he means the will of a developing child to go forcibly against the will of the parent without really being conscious of her own will, which is common in the age of 3-4 and later in the teens. We have experienced a lot of it with my daughter the sole parent of whom I have been since her mother died seven years ago. But still it was good to get a description for it… Read the rest of this entry »

A Present of a Lifetime

October 27


The other day I had some time in the local town before I would attend a 5rhythms dance session in the evening. I love dancing and especially dancing to the five rhythms of flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness forming a naturally meditative session of movement. The dance becomes a wave of life, of birth, death and renewal… of profound joy.

I had not danced for over a half a year. But now was the time… even though I felt a bit stiff and tired in my body after having worked a lot in the garden these past weeks. I would just give my being a chance to flow, and it usually does:)

But as I already told you I had some time before the dance, and my feet took me to a bookshop where I browsed the shelves with English pocket books. I found a book by Gabor Maté, a renowned Canadian physician. I had read two other books by him: When The Body Says No and In The Realm of The Hungry Ghosts and been greatly influenced by his intelligence and genuine will to uncover the hidden structures of human development. This new book was about ADD and was called Scattered Minds. I put it in my pocket and went to dance. Read the rest of this entry »

I Am a Happy Failure

August 24

20190617_154021I attended a Quaker meeting today for the first time in my life and thus spent an hour sitting in a silent circle with eight other people. During that time I eventually experienced a profound sense of being a happy failure, a sense that was also translated into tremors of joy traveling through the whole of my body. I opened to the emptiness of Life Itself within the circle, I touched the Space of Joy within me. Read the rest of this entry »

How to Get Your Shit Together?

October 16

imagesThe world that you have created for yourselves on the platform of this beautiful Earth of utmost variety is like an acid test for all the cracks, fears and limitations that you have chosen to carry in your soul. All your dark feelings of fearful nature are enlarged and blown up on the canvas of your life. All the hooks and anchors that you carry in your unconsciousness are made visible and deeply felt in your human world run by fear and hunger for possession and power. All your past programs still running your present moment of life are blown up to such proportions that you just cannot fail to see them and eventually deal with them.
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The Awakening of the Sleeping Beauty Within You

October 16

imagesThese are the words of Life Itself to me or to any human being who carries within him/herself the sense of being a Greedy Bastard, which cannot seem to be fully satisfied by anything or anybody:

“You eat too much, you drink too much, you instinctively try to fill the felt emptiness within yourself through your mouth. Hunger is a natural urge of your animal body, but when it is expanded and combined with an unconscious urge to fill your spiritual emptiness, then you are in for a rough ride. And as you very well know by now it it only gives you a moment of very basic satisfaction and then ends up giving you all kinds of troubles of indigestion and finally expanding your waistline. What to do? Read the rest of this entry »

Hey you, get out of your closet!

June 3

UnknownThe homos and lesbians, and all the others there in between have already come out of their closets. They could not bear the falseness of their previous role anymore. They didn’t want to lie to themselves and to the world anymore, they didn’t want to pretend anymore. They were brave and they stepped out of the closet of their past.

But shouldn’t we all do the same? You may be a man and you may be a woman, or whatever, and still you carry upon you a closet of your past. It is like a huge library of past experiences hanging around your being from which you pick up appropriate models of conduct whenever you face something similar to what you have been through before. This library of the past acts as a protective wall isolating you from the present moment and it keeps you prisoners of your own past. Read the rest of this entry »

Artificial or Living Intelligence?

May 30

iuMany of us are totally bonkers of how AI or Artificial Intelligence is going to revolutionize the running of our societies. AI is so clever and efficient that in many cases it is going to make us humans totally redundant. Soon our society does not need us anymore as the AI is so much more reliable, efficient and clever than we can ever become. So what the heck are we then going to do? What is our role in the New World run by computers? Read the rest of this entry »

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I am a blob of Life living as a human being. Just like you. A blob of Life that has chosen to experience its own creation in this toughest of all worlds, the Earth. And in order to experience this world of matter fully Life needs to clothe itself in the stuff of the Earth or create a body vehicle for itself. That is what you see, but that is not who I am.

My body is called Klaus Rahikainen. It was born in Helsinki, Finland. It has served me well through all of my adventures towards the point of remembrance, towards the moment when the Life that I am, and have always been, becomes realized in myself as a man. The moment when all the veils of human illusion are lifted and Oneness of Life is fully awakened in the mind, the soul and the body of a man. A Godseed has sprouted.

These pages contain the developing story of Life’s awakening in a man. The stories and insights with the heading “Just a Thought” give the background and the tools of awakening and the new postings describe the evolution of the new divine consciousness in a new world of wonder. It is all yours, just as it is all mine, in Life.