A Godseed Sprouting "His Writing Is So Utterly Personal That It Becomes Universal"

I’ll Do Better Than My Parents…

October 20

20170619_172401I wanted to do better than my parents, I wanted to find the truth of what life actually is. Some 40 years ago I swore that I would do it, I’ll make it. Both of my parents yearned for truth and suffered while yearning, and ended up dying relatively young. Both of them obviously had their moments of truth, moments when their yearning stopped for awhile and they were one with the Creation, whatever that is. And now I can see that my description of their life actually applies to myself as well, except that I have not died yet. In spite of my will I have basically lived just as they did, the only difference being in the amount of education and material wealth that I have gained. I’ve still been stuck in the same rut. Read the rest of this entry »

The Sadhguru Method of Joyful Balance

July 23

imagesI have not written anything in my blog for almost a year. I have not had anything to write. For over five years I had written here about my painful experiences of life. It all started in spring 2012 when my wife Lena had just died after six and a half years struggle with breast cancer and left me alone with our seven year old daughter. My method of living and writing was to let the pain (caused by whatever!) build up to such proportions that I could not bear it anymore. Then by spilling my pain on the paper, or the screen, I was then able to find a way through it and to resolve it. This created the infamous Rahikainen method of orgastic release of recurring pains. Read the rest of this entry »

I Met an Angel in The Mall

September 29

14088667_10210495144714941_6181408313608421071_nYesterday I was busy. I left three of our kids home while I took the fourth to her theatre rehearsal. I was planning to come straight back to the others even though it was 30 kms back and forth. But then I met an angel, which just smoothly changed my plans…

The angel was a friend of mine, who was sitting in a cafe planning a future love action in this same mall with his friend. I saw them and went to them directly and stayed put for almost 1,5 hours until it was time to fetch my daughter from the theatre rehearsal. Read the rest of this entry »

Who Am I? – A Question That Can Heal Your Pain

June 21

My talk from Tampere Hall spring 2016.  For those who understand Finnish.

PS. I enjoyed it, too.


Who Am I?

March 22

images-1Angst is the prime mover for most authors, poets and artists, it is the power keeping their creative juices flowing. I once asked a famous author whether he would like to free himself from his angst. He was frightened by the mere thought. His angst keeps him going, forces him to create ever new incredible texts. He is dependent of his painful angst as he believes that without it his creativity would come to an end and he would fall into an abyss of depression. That’s how he feels together with many other creative people. Read the rest of this entry »

Crossing the Borders of My Pain

January 25

images-1There is a thick mist of pain surrounding my heart or my true loving essence. The pain hovers around my heart like a squadron of jet planes always ready to attack anybody coming too near to me. The pain is the guardian of my heart. Read the rest of this entry »

From Explosion to Implosion

January 24

imagesThe birth of my present body was a part of a controlled explosion of creation, which started from the realms far beyond this visible, touchable, audible, tastable or sensible world. An explosion of creation arising from sea of potentials carrying, energizing and embracing all of the created forms of all the Universes. This explosion is the one verse of All That Is ever branching into new forms of which my body is one within One, one of the same, one with All. Read the rest of this entry »

Serving Life

December 20

images-3I am serving life, I am a servant of life. I am grateful for having served my life sentence, for having freed myself from the judgmental clutches of my own past. I am full of life, full of love pouring through my heart, which for such a long time used to be like a black hole gorging all life around it, eating up not only food and drink but even my own body and the energies of all living things around me. What a sucker I was! Read the rest of this entry »

I Was a Suicide Bomber

November 18

imagesI was born with the set of emotions that had brought my previous life to an end. I was born with the residue of my past, with a mind-set that is like a time-bomb ticking away on my waist. The time of my death was already set before my birth, and my only way out of this predestined life was through acceptance of the bomb I was carrying on my person. Only by daring to look at it squarely and honestly could I ever dismantle the bomb. The bomb consists of my unconscious and denied emotions, which I have never dared to look at and thus bring to conclusion and wisdom. It is built upon the shadows of my mind, upon my unwillingness to face myself and my own emotional heritage. Read the rest of this entry »

All Is Well Just As It Has Always Been

October 13

I am the light shining through, the eternal point of creation flowing through me towards all directions of space. I am the space being filled by itself, God getting to know itself through my individual answer to its first and only question ever: Who am I?

Wherever my answers have ever led me I have always been with the loving embrace of my origins, within my holy father/mother/source. I have always been one with the one, and so will I be through eternity. What is it I now want to create and experience when I see that I am an eternal being, and will ever be? What do I want to keep on expressing all through eternity? Read the rest of this entry »

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I am a blob of Life living as a human being. Just like you. A blob of Life that has chosen to experience its own creation in this toughest of all worlds, the Earth. And in order to experience this world of matter fully Life needs to clothe itself in the stuff of the Earth or create a body vehicle for itself. That is what you see, but that is not who I am.

My body is called Klaus Rahikainen. It was born in Helsinki, Finland. It has served me well through all of my adventures towards the point of remembrance, towards the moment when the Life that I am, and have always been, becomes realized in myself as a man. The moment when all the veils of human illusion are lifted and Oneness of Life is fully awakened in the mind, the soul and the body of a man. A Godseed has sprouted.

These pages contain the developing story of Life’s awakening in a man. The stories and insights with the heading “Just a Thought” give the background and the tools of awakening and the new postings describe the evolution of the new divine consciousness in a new world of wonder. It is all yours, just as it is all mine, in Life.