My dear reader, I want to inform you that we have just started a FB-group with my friend Jeremy Qvick. We will both be writing once a day for the 30 days of September. Our intention is to explore both our humanity and our divinity, and to find a way through the mists of time that we both have gathered around divinely eternal being. A way back home where we actually have always been while believing to be separate and alone. We have all been one, all-one right now! You too, my friend!
For now we are discussing these matters in Finnish, so if you do not read that old and divine language you need wait until we get to writing in English. Be well until then! “30 päivää syyskuussa” or
I wrote you a letter where I described how I saw the acceptance I had just experienced in a beautiful group of people as something similar and equally worthy as the one you had experienced in your Christian group. You called me back the same night and asked me to take the open letter away from my blog. You did not accept my experience as equal to yours, my sins had not been forgiven by Jesus as yours had been and I was still a sinner to be saved. You felt that it was your duty to save me. Read the rest of this entry »
I met you some years back in Damanhur, which is a commune, ecovillage, and spiritual community situated in the Piedmont region of northern Italy about 30 miles north of the city of Turin. Nearly a thousand people live there together in house-units spread over the mountainous area and maintaining most of the social features of life including their own schools and even their own money. I was there with my family exploring the commune to find out whether we would like to become part of it and you were on a pilgrimage after you had lost your company and your life as a successful executive. You had cycled all the way from Denmark without using any money and you intended to finish your trip in Rome. Damanhur was the first place on your trip that you needed to pay to get in. Read the rest of this entry »
Last week I attended a five day course called Inner Humanity Camp created by six young people, who had been inspired by their own experience of sharing the whole of their humanity in deep trust and acceptance. In that state they had experienced a profound change of consciousness, which they intended to share with other people by organizing the Inner Humanity Camp. They succeeded in a miraculous way! Read the rest of this entry »
For ages I have yearned, yearned for solace from the world; for a look, for a touch and for acknowledgement. I have been bound to you for a long time, lived for you, yearned for the unreachable. For ages I have been the other, the one believing in fulfillment of love through you. I have yearned for a long time, but not anymore.
I am. I live and breathe. I love. I am all that a human being can be, all the miracles. I am ready, and still just beginning. I have come to an end, and I am just starting. I have died so that I can finally live. A miracle has taken place, the shackles of yearning have broken. A prisoner is now free. I am.
I wrote this post couple of days ago when my pain of being, pain of seemingly not living the life I was meant to be, was at its most intense. I wrote to see and to reveal myself to me, to reach beyond the pain that was consuming me. I wrote to get through the disappointment that has been a constant theme of my life. “There needs to be something else” was my driving force. And that something else was revealed to me the following night when I could not take the pain anymore. The pain opened up and gave way to life, to peace that has always been mine and yours as well, for sure. But to get there I needed to face my disappointment, the program that had been running my life until now. This is how I set about doing it: Read the rest of this entry »
What is it me that time after time chooses to take over the pain of my beloved, to carry it in the name of Love? Why should loving be so painful? What is it that I have not understood? What is the mis-take that leads me to ever increasing pain? I need to know, to take true Love as my focus instead of all the pain of my past. Read the rest of this entry »
The whole of my life I have dreamed of being seen, of being loved for what I am. The whole of my life is full of disappointments of being loved only for what I represent for those around me. I have mostly been a reflection of their past, a mirage arising from the shadows of their own. Nobody has seen the true me, nobody has been able to embrace me fully; I seem to be too much for them all, we all seem to be too much for each other, only slivers of light allowed to come through the cracks of our painful past. That is what I see right now. Read the rest of this entry »
Everything and everybody is yearning for your love. The whole world around you is waiting for the moment when you awaken to your own divine nature as Love itself. Love is what you are. Love is what I am even though I have walked in my own shadows for a long time ignoring and abusing myself and also you, ignoring the truth of who we all are. We are Love that has taken upon itself to forget itself for a short while in eternity. We are Love finally remembering itself. Read the rest of this entry »
I am one of the original pulses of spiraling creation arising from the center-point of focus right smack in the centre of God. I am one of infinite answers to God’s primal question: Who am I? My whole descent down the ladder of ever slowing vibration is an ongoing answer, a definition of what God is. I am a God’s thought finally expressing itself as matter in a material world, I am Love itself learning to express itself also in a human form, also through the almost deadly stillness of material vibration of the body.
I have filled the net of my mind with fish of my experiences, I am burdened by all the wisdom of my experiences; I need to take my catch back to God, to report back to the Source from where I once started my journey so that creation can start a new round enriched by all that I have learned on my long sojourn into forgetfulness. I am ready to return back to God. Read the rest of this entry »